Truck/Train Loadout Facility
Wyoming Rail Project
Millcreek performed a Feasibility Study to determine the optimal solution to deliver limestone from the mine via mine haul trucks to the BNSF main line. Several options where conceptualized and cost estimated to determine the optimal system. Upon selection of the preferred system, we completed the detailed engineering and design. The design included a 100 ton truck dump with dust stilling shed, feeder, screening station, overland conveyor with highway crossing, rail surge bins, certified weighing, two rail car load-outs, and two track sidings. Scope included permitting, electrical, PLC controls, structural, civil and mechanical design, along with procurement, construction management, and commissioning.
Frac Sand Transloading Facility
This facility produced two separate frac sand products, a nominal 100 mesh product and a nominal 200 mesh product, delivered to the transloading facility. Annual throughput design was 4.5 million tons. Our design scope included the layout and equipment specification for the truck dump, truck dump reclaim conveyor, storage silos, rail loadout conveyors, rail loadout surge bin, rail car loading system, certified weighing, electrical and process controls, dust collection, capital and operating costs, and environmental and permitting preliminary plan.
Sulfuric Acid Facility
Millcreek performed a value engineered design of a sulfuric acid transloading facility. The value engineering effort brought the project within budget and was approved. We then completed the detailed engineering and procurement support. Project included piping and pumping to unload high concentrated sulfuric acid from ocean vessels and store, dilute, and load trucks or ships. We provided permit support to satisfy the requirements of the port and state agencies. The facility included a 4-million-gallon storage tank, unload pumping rates of 1200 GPM, and truck/rail loading rate up to 400 GPM.